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[Review] Angry Bird 2: Special team “pig bird” super muddy

After a resounding success, angry birds have returned. I have not seen the previous episode, but after watching Angry Bird 2 make sure that Touch Cinema will spend free time to watch the first part of the series, because the birds and pigs are extremely cute and adorable. Fun, funny and muddyAngry Bird 2 begins…

[Review] Detective Conan: Blue Sapphire Punch – Kid and Conan join hands

To re-appointment, the tiny detective Conan has officially returned to the famous Detective Conan: Blue Sapphire Punch (Detective Conan: Fist of Blue Sapphire) – the first time the audience will see Shinichi Kudo and Kaito Kid work together to find out the truth behind a mysterious murder. While fans of the young detective Conan are…

[Review] IT 2 – Laughing faintly

After the first major success, becoming the highest-grossing horror film of all time with more than $ 700 million. IT 2 returned brilliantly and impressively for nearly 3 hours – the longest horror film, ever watched, but did not bring any sense of fatigue to the audience. Dramatic film scriptFollowing the event 27 years ago,…

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